Here at McGrath Family Farms our flowers are a working asset. They are an integral component of our cropping program. The more sustainable we become the more the need for diversity. We border crop our high value crops with a wild flower mixture which in return maximizes pollinization. We plant other flowers to attract beneficial insects to keep a healthy balance in our fields. All of our flowers, just like all our fruits and vegetables, are grown organically and seasonally. Everything is picked that day and seems to last longer because of the slower growing process, (i.e. no chemical fertilizers). Our flowers really are the final touch to our farm. Some flowers you can expect to see here throughout the year are; Sunflowers, Caspia, Statice, Tuberose, Callalilly, Lavender, Amaranth, Aster, and more. We even offer some edible flowers, as well as, our own organic flowers. At our market we offer Ventura County locally grown flowers . Come by, check it out, bunches or bouquets. Our flowers are the best!